Law + Computation: An Algorithm for the Rule of Law and Justice?

Academic Symposium

Law + Computation:
An Algorithm for the Rule of Law and Justice?

Friday, February 5 at 9:00 a.m. CST (Chicago)

Co-organized by the Northwestern Law and Technology Initiative and the Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property.

Registration is required.

We are also holding a Research Workshop on Saturday, February 6. There will be a separate registration process for the Research Workshop. Please indicate your interest in the Research Workshop when you register for the Academic Symposium. Additional details will be announced.
We look forward to seeing you there!

For full details see our symposium page.

Symposium Description

Computation is poised to transform legal services, legal systems, and the law itself. Making the most of innovation and technology, and understanding the benefits and risks, requires deep collaboration between computer scientists and legal professionals (lawyers, academics, etc.). This interdisciplinary symposium brings together researchers working at the intersection of law and computation to explore the effects of computation on law.

Each panel will discuss three themes:
(1) technological capabilities today and in the future,
(2) the impact on the rule of law and justice, including the risks and benefits of technology, and
(3) the research and guidance required to chart a path to increased prosperity and justice in society with computation for legal services, legal systems, and the law.

Conference Agenda & Format

Panel format: 70 minutes each. Two panel chairs (one CS, one Law) to moderate and four panelists for each panel. The panel chairs open with a 3-5 minute intro of the topic and brief introduction of each panelist. Each panelist gives a 6-8-minute presentation (first 30-35 minutes of panel). During the discussion portion, one panel chair takes the lead, bringing in the second panel chair when appropriate, to ask follow-up questions, encourage discussion among panelists, and choose questions submitted by the audience (25 minutes). Each panelist gets one minute to share closing thoughts (final 5 minutes).

Browse archived symposia:

View panel information, videos, and presentation materials from past symposiums.