Eighth Annual Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property Symposium

March 7, 2013

Opening Remarks and Keynote

Hank BerrySidley Austin LLP

March 8, 2013

Net Neutrality: Government Overreach or the Key to Innovation?

Lee SelwynEconomics & Technology
Hal SingerNavigant Economics
Robert FriedmanPenn State Law School
Jeffrey ArmstrongMcDonnell Boehen Hulbert & Berghoff

Robert Frieden — ISPs’ Ambivalence Over Conduit Neutrality.ppt

The Past, Present, and Future of Social Media

Jonathan DeMayCondon & Forsyth
Andrea MatwyshynUniversity of Pennsylvania Wharton School
John HinesClark Hill/Northwestern Law
Bradley ShearShear Law Office
Christopher ButtsMcDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff

Jonathan DeMay –The Past, Present, and Future of Social Media – Crisis Management.pptx
Christopher Butts — Social Media – Issues of Ownership and Control.ppt

Litigating the Meaning of FRAND

Latonia GordonMicrosoft
Alden AbbottBlackberry
Mark SnyderQualcomm
Jorge L. ContrerasAmerican University College of Law, Contreras Legal Strategy LLC
Chris CaraniMcAndrews, Held & Malloy
Jason SheasbyIrell & Manella

Latonia Gordon — SSOs and FRAND.ppt 
Alden Abbott — FRAND Principles and Competition.ppt  
Jorge L. Contreras — FRAND overview.pptx 
Christopher V. Carani.pdf