Rethinking Mechanical Licenses and Copyright Protections for Arrangers

By: Michael Pranger | May 3, 2022

When a musician desires to record a cover version of a song (i.e., their own version of a song written or made famous by someone else), the process for obtaining the rights to do so is quite simple: they obtain a mechanical license—a compulsory license that can be obtained by paying the appropriate fee to […]

Plan [B]lockchain: A New and Improved Music Database

By: Jenny Kim | May 3, 2022

What’s The Issue? It seems logical that the creator of a work would own the rights to that work. This general idea imports easily into some industries but creates problems in the music industry. The reality is that the main rights holder of a creative musical work is often not the musicians but collective management […]

AI Stem Extraction: A Creative Tool or Facilitator of Mass Infringement?

By: Matthew Danaher | May 3, 2022

Introduction Throughout the past two years, AI-powered stem-splitting services have emerged online, allowing users to upload any audio file and access extracted, downloadable audio stems. A “stem” is an audio file that contains a mixture of a song’s similarly situated musical components. For example, if one records a mix of twenty harmonized vocal tracks, that […]

Copyright Bots Need a Tune-up

By: Isabella C. DiCarlo | March 5, 2022

What are Copyright Bots? Digital media handles like Instagram, YouTube, and Tik Tok are now the platforms of choice for creators, new and old, to showcase their work. The accessibility of these platforms opens an untapped market of creativity, allowing for anyone with a smartphone to disseminate their work. With great freedom, though, the potential […]

NFTs: What Are They and What Are Your Rights and Liabilities as an Owner

By: Kyle Padden | March 5, 2022

On July 1, 2021, the original source code for the World Wide Web sold for $5.4 million at a Sotheby’s auction. This was not the actual source code, which is open source and freely available in the public domain, but rather a non-fungible token (NFT) version of the source code. NFTs, a new block chain […]

A TRIPS Waiver to Combat Climate Change?

By: Madeline Thompson | February 10, 2022

TRIPS Waiver and COVID-19 Policy As COVID continues to impact nations across the world, policymakers are left trying to facilitate ways to better deal with a global event of this magnitude. Public health concerns forced leaders to re-think current laws and agreements. Intellectual property law is not an outlier. To mitigate some of the effects […]

Online Gambling in the Age of Cryptocurrency

By: Mari Earhart-Price | February 10, 2022

Gambling, in one way or another, has been part of American life for centuries—early colonists participated in activities such as lotteries, betting on cock fights, and other games of chance. Throughout our history, gambling has remained a source of moral debate. On one hand, it is argued that Americans should be free to use their money how […]

Copyright Issues for AI and Deep Learning Services: A Comparison of U.S., South Korean, and Japanese Law

By: Seung Hoon Park | May 28, 2021

The Development of Artificial Intelligence Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has developed into deep learning. Deep learning is the ability of an AI system not only to learn but also to independently make decisions without human intervention. With the development of deep learning, services that automatically compose music or draw a picture are appearing. For example, […]

The Case for Data-Driven Billing in the Legal Profession

By: Kyle Stenseth | April 23, 2021

To clients, legal billing can seem “like a black box.” Many clients worry about lawyers overstating their billable hours (“bill padding”) or charging exorbitant hourly rates. By using data analytics to optimize legal billing (“data-driven billing”), law firms can stand out from their competitors and win more business.  1 – Problems that Exist in Legal […]

The Green Tech Patent Boom and Bust: Getting it Back on the Fast-Track

By: Melissa Hurtado | March 27, 2021
Wind turbine against sky

     Underlying the U.S. and global patent systems is the belief that granting a limited monopoly will incentivize innovation. Although climate change comes to mind as a particularly controversial topic, according to PEW Research, six in ten Americans and majorities in other surveyed countries see climate change as a major threat.  Patent filings seemed to reflect that concern […]

Issues with the Availability and Quality of Training Sets in AI Contracting

By: Zach Frankel | February 12, 2021

A Primer on Training Sets and Machine Learning.   Merging computer processing and the practice of transactional law is a concept that has been around longer than you might think.  Technologies for automating contract management and drafting tasks existed as early as the 1970’s, and consumer-facing software for automating tasks like incorporation and estate-planning have been a fixture in the legal service […]

Children’s Privacy in the Zoom Classroom

By: Steve Komorek | January 22, 2021

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the introduction of online learning platforms to elementary and secondary schools across the United States. In many ways, online learning—via Zoom, for example–has presented younger students the opportunity to continue their education during a time when they’re not able to be physically present in a classroom, but online learning has also […]