Algorithmic Bias in AI Employment Decisions

By: Zara Siddiqui | January 30, 2025

Introduction  Algorithmic bias is AI’s Achilles heel, revealing how machines are only as unbiased as the humans behind them.  The most prevalent real-world stage for human versus machine bias is the job search process. What started out as newspaper ads and flyers at local coffee shops, is now a completely digital process with click-through ads, […]

Copyright Issues Raised by the Technology of Deepfakes

By: Li Guan | January 30, 2025

Trending Uses of Deepfakes Deepfake technology, leveraging sophisticated artificial intelligence, is rapidly reshaping the entertainment industry by enabling the creation of hyper-realistic video and audio content. This technology can convincingly depict well-known personalities saying or doing things they never actually did, creating entirely new content that did not really occur. The revived Star Wars franchise […]

Eager to Know The Impacts of LKQ? Just Wait and See

By: Mark Elinski | January 30, 2025

I. INTRODUCTION In May of 2024, the Federal Circuit overruled 40 years of precedent for assessing the obviousness of design patents in LKQ Corp. v. GM Global Technology Operations LLC. Already, commentators and practitioners have a wide array of opinions about the impacts of LKQ. If recent history is any guide, however, declarative statements about the impacts […]

Virtual Reality as a Medium for Evidence: Speculated vs. Realized Benefits and Harms

By: Charles Korey | January 30, 2025

Proponents of virtual reality (VR) as a medium for evidence in the courtroom have argued that it can bring many benefits to jurors, including enhanced empathy and better factual understanding. However, it is also speculated that VR could increase a juror’s biases or a false sense of accuracy. As VR technology advances, the legal field faces the challenge […]

Main Squeeze: The Potential for Trade Dress Protection of a Squeezable Olive Oil

By: Esme Trontz | March 4, 2024

In April 2023, drama unfolded on Twitter, and it revolved around olive oil. Andrew Benin, the co-founder of Graza, a start-up single-origin olive oil brand that comes in two adorable green squeeze bottles, publicly called out rival Brightland for allegedly copying his squeezable olive oil idea. Mr. Benin wrote, “While friendly competition was always welcome, […]

Better Call Saul Runs into Legal Trouble: How Liberty Tax Service Could Have Won Their Trademark Infringement Case 

By: Sam Scialabba | February 15, 2024

INTRODUCTION  Every day across the world many people, brands, and companies believe that their names are defamed, or trademarks have been infringed on. With over 440,000 US Trademark Applications filed in 2022 alone, disputes over these trademarks arise frequently. However, these quarrels are not always encircling such a large-scale platform like one of the highest […]

Fake it ‘til You Make Law: The AI Identity Crisis 

By: Alexis Kang | February 15, 2024

The advent of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deepfake technology marks a new era in intellectual property law, presenting unprecedented challenges and opportunities. As these technologies evolve, their creations blur the lines between reality and fiction, escalating the risk of consumer deception and diluting brand values. Deepfakes, a fusion of the words ‘deep learning’ and […]


By: Kimberley Charles | November 6, 2023

Background: Sephora and ModiFace  In a market filled with a mixture of new direct-to-consumer influencer brands gaining traction, brick and mortar drug stores providing cheaper options known as “dupes”, and high-end retailers investing in both their online and in stores, one major player dominates: Sephora. Founded in 1970, Sephora is a French multinational retailer of […]

Should AI-Enabled Mental Health Chatbots be Mandated Reporters? 

By: Bonney, Lura | November 6, 2023

Due to a shortage of mental health support, AI-enabled chatbots offer a promising way to help children and teenagers address mental health issues. Users often view chatbots as mirroring human therapists. However, unlike their human therapist counterparts, mental health chatbots are not obligated to report suspected child abuse. Legal obligations could potentially shift, necessitating technology […]

Esports Casters: Antitrust Pawns in a Game of IP Chess

By: Valuyev, Eric | November 6, 2023

The monopolization of intellectual property (IP) in the video game industry has increasingly attracted attention as many antitrust-like issues have arisen. These issues are, however, not the prototypical issues that antitrust law is classically concerned with. Rather, supported by the United States’ IP system, video game publishers (VGPs) have appropriated video game IP to construct […]

Companies Face Massive Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) Allegations with Virtual Try-On Technology 

By: Petkovic, Angela | November 6, 2023

Companies Face Massive Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) Allegations with Virtual Try-On Technology  Virtual try-on technology (“VTOT”) allows consumers to use augmented reality (“AR”) to see what a retailer’s product may look like on their body. By providing the retailer’s website access to their device’s camera, consumers can shop and try on products from the […]


By: Alessandra Fable | April 19, 2023
Seven plates of varioius food, very thoughfully arranged

INTRODUCTION We live in an insatiable society. Across the globe, particularly in the United States, everyone with an Instagram account knows that the “phone eats first.” Young professionals rush to happy hour to post the obligatory cocktail cheers video before they take their first sip. On Friday nights, couples sprint to their favorite spot or […]